The existence of the Zionist occupation is the cause of the war in the region

Today, the Iron Dome was pierced by Iran, this time with over 400 missiles.

There is only one truth that everyone who watches the skies of Tel Aviv protected by the so-called “impenetrable” Iron Dome should look at; Zionist Israel is a dagger inserted into our region by imperialism, its existence is not legitimate under any circumstances.

The “attached” pens of imperialism, the “hasbaras” of Zionism, the mouths of the gang states that collaborate with the murderers of the peoples are on all sides bringing up their “criticisms/concerns/suggestions/condemnations” regarding the forms of resistance against the genocide and occupation in Palestine in a way that will exonerate the murderer Israel.

October 7 is a new threshold in the decades-long history of the Palestinian Resistance. Despite tens of thousands of losses, all the impossibilities and treachery, the Palestinian Resistance has shown that the flag of freedom and honor will not surrender, and has paved the way.  It has shed light on the path that all the peoples of the world, especially the peoples of the region, must follow. No bloody attack by imperialist aggression against the Palestinian Resistance and its friends will be able to close this path.

While bombs were rained down on all the hospitals, schools and streets of Palestine and tens of thousands of people were killed, while attacks were carried out in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Iran to spread the war, the rulers of the world were on the side and behind the imperialist aggression and the Zionist occupation. The peoples of the world, on the other hand, have stood by the Palestinian Resistance against the rulers who impose war, and will continue to do so.

The way to stop the Zionist occupation is through the destruction of the imperialist sovereignty that imposes war on the region. Those who continue their collaboration with NATO bases, those who are still feeding the occupation state from the ports this morning, are the triggermen of this war on behalf of the rulers.

The path of the people is the path of resistance and common struggle.

 Expelling NATO and the US from our region will be the greatest support for the Palestinian Resistance, which will end the Zionist occupation and will definitely win.

In a world that imperialism has turned into a bloodbath, peace is only possible with socialism today. Workers, women, and peoples must grow the struggle for socialism all over the world for their rights, lives, and peace.

Destroy the Zionist occupation state!

Long live the Palestinian Resistance!

Forward for the revolution; either socialism or death!

Kaldıraç Movement

October 2, 2024


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