The resistance will not be broken, the peoples of the world will win!

“Palestine, is not only Palestine. Just like the stones child generals throw at Zionists are not only stones. Palestine is a call; to humanity, to those who are human. Every stone that are thrown are a hope, for the one who seeks one’s future for humanity.”

These words belong to the revolutionary leader of the Palestinian people, the Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). George Habash.

Exactly one year ago, the Palestinian resistance opened a path for the peoples of the world with the Aqsa Flood. Against decades of massacres, systematic torture, humiliation, displacement and Zionist occupation, the Palestinians emerged from the most difficult conditions to demonstrate that human dignity and freedom cannot be forced into surrender.

One year ago today, the resistance, which has been patiently, stubbornly and with great seriousness weaved together in Gaza, a place that has been turned into an open-air prison by the occupying Israel, paralyzed the Gaza Division of the occupation army, captured dozens of occupiers for the release of the prisoners of the resistance, and removed all the gilding of zionist Israel, which was called unshakable and invincible with its Iron Dome, Mossad and technology. This success of the Palestinian Resistance has turned into the nightmare of the rulers who exploit workers, laborers and peoples all over the world, and has become a hope for the peoples of the world.

The existence of the zionist occupation is the cause of the war in the region. The imperialists and their collaborators stood behind and supported all the attacks of the Zionist occupation for a year. Imperialism/zionism, which is widening the war today, has massacred more than 42 thousand Palestinians in the last year, bombed dozens of hospitals, assassinated the leaders of the resistance, attacked every geography supporting the resistance from Yemen to Iraq, Syria to Lebanon. Every imperialist state, foremost the USA, and their collaborators are directly responsible for these massacres.
In order to break the support of the peoples of the world for this honorable resistance, dozens of lies were told, and heroisms were enacted from the rostrums. The embedded writers and politicians who talked about “the right of the occupation state Israel to defend itself” did not say a word about our starving babies in Gaza. However, the resistance and its friends are growing the struggle to break through this blackout. Just two days ago, millions of people all over the world flooded the city squares in support of the Palestinian Resistance. The peoples of the world once again stood by Palestine against the rulers of this system that promises us no future except war and exploitation.

On the other hand it is this geography we live on which these lies are a dime a dozen. Those who make “we stand with Palestine” heroisms on TV, in parliament and at rallies are among the biggest supporters of the occupier Israel. When the occupation state was established, the first regional state to officially recognize it was the Republic of Turkey (TR). As a NATO member, the TR continues this support from past to present. The pilots of the occupation state, which is raining bombs from Gaza to Beirut, are trained in Konya, and intelligence is shared from Kürecik and İncirlik bases. Moreover, trade with the occupying Israel, cornered by the Palestinian Resistance and its friends, has never stopped. Hundreds of products from tomatoes to concrete, from tank fuel to oil are sent from the TR to feed the occupation state.

We, workers, peoples, women, students, stand by the Palestinian Resistance and will continue to do so. For this reason, in these lands; we will continue to say “all military-diplomatic-commercial-academic relations with the occupation state Israel should be cut, the Incirlik and Kürecik bases defending the occupation state Israel should be closed, leave the murderer of peoples NATO!, the ambassadors of the occupation state should be expelled, their embassies should be closed!” and keep organizing and growing the struggle to realize these demands. We will not diminish our solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance.

Our region and the whole world is facing imperialist aggression. The invaders of Iraq, Syria, Palestine, the butchers of Vietnam, the perpetrators of Afghanistan, the masters of the Ukrainian fascist horde, the creators of ISIS, the masters of the terrorist organization NATO, are growing their war to share the whole world again from Iran to Taiwan.
The peoples of the world must grow the struggle against this war with the strength of the Palestinian Resistance’s October 7 Aqsa Flood. The only real solution that will erase exploitation and war from the world is socialism. The October Revolution continues to show itself as a great experience and example of stopping the war of division.

Now is the time to strengthen the link from October 7, which started to stop the occupation, to the October Revolution, which begins to destroy capitalism.

Now is the time to improve organizing with the lessons of the Palestinian Resistance, which was reborn like a phoenix when it was said to be over.

Now is the time to raise the flag of socialism for freedom, peace and brotherhood.

Resistance will win in Palestine! Forward to the revolution; socialism or death!

Kaldıraç Movement


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