“No turning back, No compromise, The revolution continues!”

24 Jan 2022 – The statement of solidarity action with Sudan revolution.

After the protests in Sudan at the beginning of 2019, the 30-year dictatorship of Bashir was defeated; and the transitional government was established after the agreement between the army and the opposition’s umbrella organization at that time, the “Forces of Freedom and Change.”

However, on October 25, army forces staged a coup. The putschists are the security committee of the previous Bashir regime, which formed one part of the Sovereignty Council following the agreement reached in June 2019.

The coup took place on October 25 in order to block the growing resistance to the regime’s economic policies, just as the Sovereignty Council presidency was expected to pass to the civilian component of the council.

On October 21, hundreds of thousands gathered for the anniversary of the 1964 revolution. These actions had turned into a warning to the provisional government to take ownership of the revolution.

The Sudanese Communist Party, together with the Resistance Committees, and the Professional Alliance which grouped and brought together the unions, succeeded in mobilizing the masses and organized the largest mass demonstration since the beginning of the revolution.

This development, which clearly changed the attitude of the generals to their power, forced the ruling circles to stage a second coup on 25 October. This was a move that was clearly supported by the US, EU and neighboring countries.

All these developments took place with the cooperation and intervention of imperialism.

Hours after the coup, the capital Khartoum was surrounded with barricades by activists.

Despite the internet blackouts on October 30, massive protests were held under the leadership of the resistance committees.

The immediate demands of the uninterrupted actions, supported by the Professional Alliance, Resistance Committees, the Sudanese Communist Party, trade unions and democratic mass organizations, were as follows:

Dissolution of the coup and transferring of all authority to civilians.

Immediate seizure and trial of those responsible for the coup.

No dialogue or bargaining with the military council, directly or indirectly (through foreign powers, etc.).

Dissolution of all militias; and the establishment of a national army committed to the rights of freedom, peace and justice, and to the doctrine of protecting the country’s borders.

The removal of all armed forces and police forces from the political process, the criminalization of all involvement of the military in politics.

The passing of the entire structures of  the process of transition to the supervision of academia and experts.

The State of Sudan having full sovereignty over all economic, political and security decisions.”

From the beginning of the current uprising, namely after the October 25 coup, at least 71 people were shot dead according to information released by the Resistance Committees. There are more than a thousand injured, some of whom are in critical condition. Hundreds of people are detained.

We condemn the attack against the revolution.

Political prisoners must be released immediately.

Fighting back this great attack with unmatched resistance, the Sudanese are intensifying their mass actions. The insurgents, who hold marches of millions, organizing rights actions, sit-ins, and protest meetings, also build street barricades to prevent and stop the attacks of law enforcement thugs when necessary.

All the countries of our region are colonial countries dependent on imperialism. All the states in these countries are puppet states collaborating with imperialism. This actually combines both aspects of the struggle. Those who struggle against the despot in their own country and the puppet state in their own country must also fight against imperialism.

Including North Africa, one of the areas where the new imperialist struggle for partition is concentrated is our region.

The developing revolution is enveloping the whole of the Middle East, as far as the Balkans and the Caucasus. Of course, this is not an easy process.

The resistance that develops in one part of our region will positively affect the other part, even if it is not at the same time. Furthermore, the revolutionary movement in a part that seems to be the most backward today is accumulating opportunities to come forward rapidly tomorrow.

Every socialist revolution that will develop in our region also carries the potential of a comprehensive reckoning with the thousands of years of the history of class society in our region.

We see the persistent fight of the Sudanese revolutionaries, who had the rich experience of overthrowing the two dictatorship regimes in 1964 and 1985, accept it as our own fight and greet them with our belief in victory.

In light of all this, Sudan is very close to us. Because our experiences will be the path of our common future.

Long live the anti-imperialist union of the peoples!

Long live the Sudanese revolution with all its teachings!

Long live proletarian internationalism!

DKDER – Emekçi Hareket Partisi – Kaldıraç – Proleter Devrimci Duruş


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